Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Little Preview

It's been a little busy around here for me, getting ready for a special day! My little man is turning two! Two?! I can't believe it, he is growing so fast and becoming such a big boy. His birthday is extra special because it's on Valentines Day! Valentines Day has always been my favorite holiday and now I love it even more. So the day of love is for reals our day of love, the day our love was born! Pretty great huh? This year his party theme is Cat in the Hat. He absolutely loooooves him right now. I try and pick a party theme that he is into at the current moment so the Cat it is. I've been working on some decorations and planning away. I thought I would share a little sneak peak, I will post pictures of the big day in a couple of weeks.
Hope you are all having a truly joyful day!
P.S. A really great statement I read from my Jesus Calling devotional today....
Refuse to waste energy worrying, and you will have strength to spare.
Enough said I think!
Much Love, Angela

Monday, January 23, 2012

An Introduction...

Thought I would introduce my family a little more since they will be spoken of often here.

My immediate family consists of 4; myself, my husband, our son, and our dog! My husband is such a wonderful man, I am so in love with him and I don't know how I got so blessed to be his wife. We have been married for almost 8 years and have been best friends since 6th grade. Someday I will have to post our love story, it's real sappy:). Two years ago this Valentine's Day we welcomed our baby boy to the world. He is our joy, our laughter, our love. Many more stories to come about him for sure! We are a happy little family and are loving it!

There are many other special people in my life who I will introduce later...

Hope you are all having a great Monday!

With Love, Angela

Friday, January 20, 2012

Starting Over.....

So I think I'm finally ready to start over with this blog. I began this blog becuase I felt I had things to share, I wanted to share my creativity and my life. Honestly, I started a blog because I thought it would be fun! Well, it actually became just another unchecked thing on my to do list. Between being a wife, a mom, managing an office, and all my other various duties I couldn't find time. Lately, thanks to some inspiration from a friend, I have been rethinking why I wanted to do this blog. Over the last year I have been really touched, helped, and inspired by some of the blogs I read. Some of these women are right where I am at and have such insight to offer. This is why I want to have a blog, to help and inspire others. I know that somewhere there is someone who needs to hear my story, someone who I can help with my experiences. I may not post everyday and it may not be the best blog you'll ever read but I am going to go for it, one day at a time.

So this is what God has been speaking to me about lately, starting over. You know everyday He lets us start over? For someone who deal with guilt this is an amazing concept! Just like with this blog, I am not perfect, and I often have imperfect days. As much as I try and with all my good intentions some days I don't make time for prayer, I don't read my word, I don't have the best attitude, I'm impatient.....need I go on? But whether or not I had a great day yesterday, today is a new day and I can start over. You see God is after our heart, not a perfect life. So here's to starting over, God's grace and mercy, and making time for blogging!

With Love, Angela