Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday's in the Fall...

Like most of us I'm a big fan of Friday. It's the last work day before the weekend, I can start to turn my brain down a little, I treat myself to coffee and a goodie, and there is quality time ahead for my family. My favorite Friday's though are Friday's in the fall. It's cold and dark outside early in the evening, perfect for curling up, eating soup and watching a movie. It also gets me in the mood for planning (but what doesn't!). I start planning all the holiday events that will soon be upon us and begin working on my Christmas gift list. I'm an early starter for Christmas, how 'bout you? Honestly, if it were up to me my house would be decorated for it already, but the hubby says no to the early start every year. I've been getting super excited about Christmas lately. It's my favorite holiday and combines my favorite things: friends, family, food, and giving. Speaking of giving...I have it on my heart to start a little series on being a blessing. I'm a little excited about it...I will be sharing ideas on how to bless others as well as some things that I've learned about giving, blessing others, and being blessed. Come back next week to check out part 1!
So happy Friday everyone! I will leave you with the few (very few) pics from the week.

This tired boy fell asleep mid-cheeseburger. Look at those long legs!

Some cute new shoesies thanks to a friend! They didn't fit her so I got them...woohoo!

Some chalkboard projects in process with some pumpkin cookies:)

With Love, Angela

Friday, October 12, 2012


life rearranged

Happy Friday everyone! Linking up today with Jeanette from Life Rearranged to share instagram pics from the week. I love this link up, kinda fun to get a little glimpse into daily lives of us bloggers! Here we go...
Had a long time friends wedding to attend last night. My goal was to get a photo of me and the hubby... but you get a cell phone pic of me instead, ha!

My latest addition to my big ring collection, thanks mom!

Wedding table decoration, the colors were yellow and they served this yummy sparkling lemonade, cute!

Be grateful this spot above my couch:)
This boy gets crazy hair at bath time!
Luke found this sweater at Target and insisted on putting it on. I have decided it's the ugliest thing I've ever seen, could pass for an ugly Christmas sweater? It was a pretty good laugh though, my boy is always entertaining!

Projects are awaiting...
A friend rescued these bottles cause' he thought I could do something crafty with them. And be crafty with them I shall! I will share when they are done!
So that about sums up our week. I've been trying to get in the mood for Autumn. It's been too warm around here to feel like fall, today has been the first day that I've felt like curling up with a movie and soup! There are lots of things I want to share with all of you, lots happened on my little "break" from the blog. It was a crazy kind of summer and still lots of things are going on, can't wait to share some exciting things that are happening!

With Love, Angela

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


So I'm returning. Returning to some things that I have let float away a little bit. Maybe from being afraid, maybe from negative thinking, maybe just because of life. I'm returning to my dreams, to what my heart longs for, to what I really feel God created me for. See, I've always been a dreamer, someone who believes that God has BIG things for every life. I used to have this saying plastered on the back of my bedroom door when I was young, "dreams are goals on wings". This always reminded me that dreams were obtainable, just large goals waiting to be tackled. When I was young I would dream of all the things I could do, all the things I wanted to do, and I beleived in those dreams with all my heart. Somehow life, or maybe the world, begins to convince us that those are just dreams...wishes...things that could never really come true in real life. I lost sight a little bit of God's bigger plan for my life. It was God who planted those dreams in my heart and He put them there not just for daydreaming but for actually living them.

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So, I'm back
Back to my dreams
Back to striving for more
Back to believing what God says about me
Back to this blog even

Any of you ever have dreams you've given up on? I'm sure you have just like me. Just remember that those dreams are God given plans for your life. Be brave enough to believe they will come true!

With Love, Angela