Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hangin' Around and a Thankful Heart...

I bet you love these days too, you know the hangin around kinda days? The ones were you could wear your PJ's all day and no one would know? Well besides a few early morning errands, this is what we've been doin' today...hangin' around. Well, more like Luke has been hangin' around.
I have been in need of a day to get stuff done at home, and bless my little guys heart, he is being so good to let mama do just that. So today I'm thankful. Thankful for...

Little boy entertaining himself
Crossing things off my list
Making some pretty things for an upcoming event
Gettin' the laundry done
Time to spend with Jesus
A new ironing board cover! (sounds silly but it was desperately needed)
Some newly organized spaces in the house
A husband who just came home early from work!

So now I'm off to give my hubby smooches cause I miss him!
What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

He will meet you...

sunshine printable
He will meet you. right. where. you. are. Every time. I promise, He promises. See I've learned over my years with the Lord that He will come to you, right in that secret place you're in. In loneliness, in fear, in abandonment, in rejection, in silence. He doesn't wait for you to come out of it, He will meet you right in it-if you let Him, if you ask Him. 
One of the things I don't like about myself is how swayed my emotions can be by others. They're expectations, feelings, or thoughts towards me. I know that I can't walk in these emotions, I must walk and be lead by the spirit. But sometimes...no matter how hard I try, I find myself there. There in the middle of those feelings, and often I can't remember how to get out. Then, I cry out, call to Him....and He comes. He comes and wipes away the crazy thoughts (the ones satan would looove you to believe), and helps me see clearly again. Helps me see through His eyes, His perspective. And once again I stand, live, walk in freedom. Not by my flesh but by the spirit. Thank you Lord for meeting me right where I am, for being my soul saver, my thought redeemer, my life blesser, my freedom bringer.
God is our help, don't struggle alone with your emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Call to Him quickly and He will meet you there and bring you once again into His freedom. Thank you Lord for FREEDOM!                     Walk in freedom today!

Much Love, Angela

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Cat in the Hat Birthday...

As promised, birthday party pictures! My baby toddler boy turned two! So sad to not call him my baby anymore, I guess he will always be my baby though... Anywhooooo back to the party. We went with a Cat in the Hat theme for his birthday, it seems to be his favorite character lately and he loooves books. I used red and teal for colors and polka dots and stripes for the pattern. I focused on just cat in the hat instead of all things Dr. Seuss. For food I kept it simple with hot dogs, baggies of chips, & fruit snacks for the kiddos. We had a dessert table with a super cute cake that my friend made. (Sidenote on her: She made his cake last year as well, she is really talented and just recently discovered how good she is at decorating cakes! In addition to her wonderful cake abilities, she is one of my best friends, and blogs over at this great place, go check it out!) Also on the dessert table were red swirl lollipops, red and blue rice krispie treats, pixie stix!, and marshmallow pops. The kids all received goodie bags upon arrival filled with toys and things to play with at the party. At everyone's departure they received a tube of mini M&M's which I wrapped with a little saying "Don't cry cause it's over, smile cause it happend." Some of the other things I did: Happy Birthday banner, flower napkin poms, and paper circle garland. My wonderful husband is my photographer, he got some really great shots of the pre party but once everything started we were so busy we really didn't get too much more. Oh well, we had a great day though! Luke had so much fun playing with his cousins and he seriously loved all the gifts he got. The one thing I'm bummed about is I bought him a Cat in the Hat hat and he didn't wear it at all! Okay, enough chit chat, here are the pictures...

As you can see we too much fun playing! But that's what it was all about. Be back soon with a semi serious post this week.
Much love, Angela

Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Hair & A New Design

First off, I updated the blog look a little....okay a lot! Attempting to get some new pages set up on here and felt like it just needed to look a little different. I'm lovin it so far, hope I don't get too bored with it too soon! Okay, I promised a before and after post of myself. I'm still a little scared of uncomfortable with pictures of myself, although I am getting a little better;) So I finally cut my hair. Took 7 inches off (the pics below don't do it justice) it was sooooo long, and so dead, and so in need of some color and some trimming. I do miss my old hair a little but it will grow. My new hair feels super healthy and ready for spring! I know we have a little ways to go until spring time but I wish it would hurry up!!! The sun keeps peeking through around here and it's making me want winter to be over. I hope the sun is shinning a little where you are at too! Have a happy day!

Much love, Angela

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wonderful Day...

Don't you love days where everything is just wonderful? We had one of these days yesterday. Valentine's Day and Luke's birthday all in one! We started the morning with some Valentine's goodies and breakfast, got ready for the day, got a call from Noni (what Luke calls my mom) who sang him happy birthday. Luke has decided that he loves being sung to, sooo cute! We then met up with Noni, got more Valentine's goodies, went to Barnes and Noble so Luke could play with the train set and read some books, my mom and I enjoyed some Starbucks. Then my mom took Luke to pick out his own cookie at a local cookie shop. He ate about half and fell asleep in pure bliss.

Cutest birthday boy ever!!!
After he woke up we finished our time with his Noni, then picked up a friend and headed to the park. Then home to see daddy, have dinner, open birthday presents, have ice cream, candles, and more birthday songs. Then we all snuggled on the couch and watched Rio. It's rare that Luke slows down enough to really snuggle so this for me was GOLD! Then it was off to bed for the birthday boy and my hubby and I enjoyed more snuggle time on the couch eating the strawberries he had made me. What a wonderful day, it was certainly the most perfect Valentine's Day/Luke's Birthday ever!
Hope you all had a perfect Valentine's Day too!
Much love, Angela

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentine's Day!
As I think I mentioned before I loooooooove this day! (Thanks Mom for cultivating my love for 2/14!) And today is also my baby boy's birthday! So much fun! Here are little glimpses of what our day will hold....
 Valentines Goodies and a plate ready for breakfast muffins!
Chocolate Strawberries (Handmade just for me by my hubby, with a love note)
Total lazy mom cookies I know, but we have a big day tomorrow!
Passing out Luke's Valentine's to our friends!

Have a wonderful day full of love, and don't forget the best kind of love is God's love, which He so freely and abundantly gives to us. What's your favorite thing about Valentine's Day?
Much love, Angela

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tired...but a happy tired!

My little man's birthday party was today, and I am TIRED! Seems like it took so much effort and energy planning and preparing for it. Everthing turned out great and he and his cousins had a great time. Totally worth the work to make him smile and have a fantasic birthday. I will be posting pictures in the next week or two of the event! Next up....Valentine's Day!
Have a great end of your weekend
Much Love, Angela

Monday, February 6, 2012

What To Do...

Ever feel like there is so much to do you don't know where to start? Of course you have! I am currently trying to ward off those feelings and tell myself it's going to be okay...it will get done. I have to constantly remind myself to just keep it simple, sometimes I try and make too big of a deal about things. Anyways, amongst my list of to do's is this small problem. Maybe to you it won't seem like a problem and you'll think...huh? So just bear with me, this is my thinking outloud space right now! My little joy baby is about to turn two, yikes how time flies! He was born on Valentines Day, the best valentines present I could ever have. My dilema is how to celebrate both birthday and valentines day for him. For me valentine's day was always my favorite holiday. That's because my Mom always made it so special. Cinnamon rolls for breakfast, a present waiting on the table, a new top or outfit to wear to school, the cutest valentines to hand out to friends (even in high school they waited for them!) and my Dad would always get me a stuffed animal or flowers. It was never a "couples" holiday, my parents made it a family holiday. I guess that's why I want him to get both, birthday and valentines celebrations. I just haven't quite figured out how to do this yet. Hopefully some inspired thoughts will arrive soon!
I hope everyone had a great weekend, I sure did! Sorry no pics for this post, just some rambling. Pictures to come soon though, a little before and after of......myself....eek!
Much Love, Angela