Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Speed Date...

Okay, not what you're thinking. This is actually a speed date with ME! I'm linking up with Nicole at This Little Momma for a speed date to give you a little more detail on myself, you know the kind of things you would learn if we were real life best friends!

This Little Momma

Also, please check out my new blog friend Erin at Sweetness Itself for her speed date! This girl is oh so cute, and her passion for God is contagious!

So here are some facts about me that you would probably learn over coffee or a late night couch gab session!

Pismo Beach Sunset...My favorite place
I am an only child. However, God has given me some extremely wonderful friends that have become my brothers and sisters.
My wonderful girlfriends!

I am a Pastor's daughter. Was throughout my childhood and still am! I count it a great priviledge, while it certainly had it's challenges, I know God put me there for a reason.

I don't like odd numbers

I'm scared easily by bees and the dark (like girly little screams and shrieks!)

My nickname is the "Starbucks Queen". I literally couldn't live without the stuff!

My favorite animals are pigs. No, I do not live on a farm. No, I would not consider myself a country girl. Yes, I did raise a pig for the fair one year. Yes, people are usually quite surprised by this fact about me!

My day job is managing an insurance office. I've worked there since I was 15! I think that's why I have started this blog. I'm a very creative person and I don't get to use that side of me very often at work. This is my little creative outlet, it certainly helps get some of it out of my system.

My husband and I have been together since we were 13. Someday I will tell our love story...

Our Wedding Day
I love usig my giftings for the Lord. Leading worship, teaching childrens church, crafting and helping organize ladies conferences and other church events are my favorite ways to use what God gave me.

Oh and I LOVE to plan probably already know that because I do talk about it A LOT around here. I have been working on that party planning's coming soon!

Thanks for reading and getting to know me a little better! Share some fun facts about yourself in the comments, I'd love to hear em'!

With Love, Angela


  1. Thank you so much for linking up! I love finding new blogs.

  2. i LOVE sweetness itself, too! love your blog, as well :) it's so fresh and clean cut. found you via the link up xo

  3. Being a preachers kid is too fun. I actually don't tell people I am.. They get an odd thought process going that usually upsets me. You are beautiful, and I am REALLY scared of bees too! Cute blog reading via google reader!
